Make Your Raw Material Data Actionable
Illuminate actionable material data & unlock new business opportunities
Get Accurate Material Data with a Network of Sensors
SCiO’s hand-held devices enable immediate, accurate, non-invasive, and easy-to-use, analysis of materials anywhere & anytime. With SCIO there are no blind spots. Say goodbye to inefficient data processes and hello to streamlined operations and scalable growth.
Get Instant Insights for Smarter Business Decisions
Make data-driven decisions
in real-time
- Our cloud-based system integrates data into your existing systems.
- Seamlessly stream data to anyone in your business.
- SCIO offers zero hassle. Take more samples & analyze more data.
- Enable data-driven business planning and confident decision making.
Detailed, real-time data shows you the big picture
Plug & Play Integrated Products for Zero Complexity
- Real-time, automatic data sync and mobile app options
- Integration guides, sample code & support available
- Tailored integration option via API for enterprise
- SOC2 compliant to protect the security of your data